A Leading Voice for Gay Men Seeking to Become Fathers

Brian Rosenberg has been a leader and activist in the gay community for close to 30 years. Soon after being diagnosed with HIV in 1990, he became an advocate for those living with HIV while also speaking publicly about his struggles around coming out. He and his husband Ferd became fathers through adoption and surrogacy in 2009, which started him on the path as a fierce advocate for gay dad families. After launching Gays With Kids in 2014, Brian has built a substantial social media following and burnished his reputation as a changemaker. Most recently, Brian launched GWK Academy, the world’s only platform created specifically to help gay and queer men become dads.

If your coverage of Gay Parenting would benefit from an expert voice, please consider reaching out.

Brian is available to speak in-depth on the different paths to fatherhood: surrogacy & IVF, adoption, international adoption, and foster care, including:

  • Key milestones involved in each journey
  • Average timelines and costs for each journey (and various ways to help offset these
  • Different family-building partner organizations and individuals needed for each
  • Benefits and challenges for each path

Interested in interviewing Brian or having him participate in your podcast or other media program? Please provide your information below, and we'll be in touch shortly.