We love featuring gay dad families and their stories on our Instagram page! Check out of some of the beautiful families we’ve showcased over the past month.

Jay — Foster-Adopt
Jay is a nurse and a proud dad of three kids through adopting from foster care.
“I have always wanted to be a dad. It was a matter of how to accomplish this dream.”
When Jay first began his path to fatherhood, he was in a relationship. They began with surrogacy, then transitioned to private adoption, before finally choosing “foster with the intent to adopt if the situation ever presented itself.”
“After much consideration, I couldn’t justify paying to have a kid, knowing that there were kids already in need of a home.”
Jay shares that being a single dad has been the biggest adjustment. “When my 2-year-old was 7 months, I started the divorce process with my now ex-husband. I never dreamed this was the path I would have to go down. Thankfully, I have an amazing family who helps me with my boys.”
Jay worked with Kids First of Florida with all his foster placements and adoption. “They are an amazing group and highly recommend working with them. They definitely put the kids first and what is the child’s best interest.”
On October 4 this year, his twin’s adoption was finalized, and a little over a month later on November 20, he adopted his toddler. 💕
His advice to others considering a similar journey? “Never give up on your journey into fatherhood! You have an amazing support team whether you know it or not, keep your head held high and a strong heart. Most of all love those future kiddos with unconditional love!!”
👉 @the.rainbow.nurse

Bryan & Stephen — Surrogacy & IVF
Philadelphia dads Bryan and Stephen are proud parents to an adorable 10-month-old son.
The husbands became dads through surrogacy with the help of their IVF doc Allison Bloom at Main Line Fertility. While the due date was early March, their son was so excited to meet them, he arrived 5 weeks early.
On the birth announcement post, the dads said, “Dean, we love you so much, and can’t wait to see you grow.”
Bryan and Stephen describe their surrogate as a rockstar “who made their dreams of fatherhood come true.”
The dads have begun a sibling journey, so we’re excited to see this family grow in the not too distant future!
Follow the dads here: @bryan.wood

Octavio & Diego — Surrogacy & IVF
“As long as I can remember, I thought of myself as a dad. Later, because of misinformation, I thought it was not possible for a gay man to have a family. Thankfully, because of social media and friends, I started to realize there were many ways to achieve my goal.”
Octavio began his journey to fatherhood as a single dad-to-be. He welcomed his twins 3 years ago through surrogacy.
He said, at first, his life as a single dad was hard. “Usually you give the best of you, however, there are moments that you get physically exhausted.” Octavio says he finds talking to and relating with other parents have helped him through the harder times.
In 2022, he met Diego. The two met online and immediately connected over their desire for a committed relationship and a family. “We are focused on old-time family values because our dream is a family union made with strong love and support.”
Together they are expecting another baby through surrogacy.
Congrats to this beautiful Colombian family! Follow the dads here: @ocamjia @diego_barm

James & Michael — Surrogacy & IVF
“The hardest part was BECOMING a dad! Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined the process to have taken so many years of working hard at it.”
James and Michael met 13 years ago, married in 2018, but started looking into fatherhood in 2015. A year later, they had chosen a clinic, created embryos the following year, and signed with an agency in 2019.
“We then had to cycle through 4 surrogates, used 9 embryos, spent hundreds of thousands of hard-earned dollars and had tremendous frustration and heartbreak along the way.”
James and Michael persisted despite the many extremely challenging hurdles they encountered. In October 2023, they welcomed their son.
“Now that we finally have our little cherub, the hardest part of being a dad is putting him down because I want to squeeze him and kiss him all day long!”
Many of the issues they had on their journey were medical complications with their surrogates – some were family members or friends, and then eventually women who they matched with through their agency. To experience issues with four gestational carriers is uncommon but it can happen from time to time.
“There were many moments of frustration, anger, resentment, worry, hope that was followed by a burst of bad news. Frankly the journey was exhausting – emotionally, financially, and everything in between.” We had such dreams of designing our perfect family and we learned through this process that you can’t plan and curate a family in your preferred timing and within your exact vision.”
The dads’ advice to future parents through surrogacy: “Start early and be your own advocate every step of the way, but always remember the family you’re meant to have will come.”
James and Michael also mentioned being open to surrogate matches, work with a clinic and agency geographically close to you if possible, and “be open and talk to everyone about your dreams because you never know who can help you along the way.”
And ultimately: “Stay positive and remain grateful for everything you have.”
Follow the new dads here: @twodadsandthegram

Robert & Wade — Surrogacy & IVF
Robert and Wade are dads to their son through surrogacy.
Together for seven years, married for three, this couple began their path to parenthood in 2020, when a friend donated her eggs and offered to carry their child.
Their son, now two-and-a-half years old, is “just starting to get active and playful! He enjoys playgrounds and reads all the time. He also loves airplanes a lot!”
“Holden is part of a very little family.” The dads, neither of whom has many relatives, often get very little alone time. “I also find it hard being a gay dad, at times you can feel isolated from your previous friends or other parts of the LGBTQ community.”
Whatever difficulties they may experience, however, fail to outweigh the great aspects of fatherhood.
“Having a kid brings so much innocent joy to life! They have no judgment, no major worries; they just want to play and be loved. It is so much fun to see and hear our boy laugh and smile!”
“Remember that is takes a village, don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed!”
Follow the dads here: @hoadlernp @wsmwade