We love featuring gay dad families and their stories on our Instagram page!
Check out of some of the beautiful families we’ve showcased over the past month.

“Seeing yourself in your little mini me has been the greatest most rewarding feeling that there is another life literally part of me. But it’s also the toughest thing I’ve done thus far and i wouldn’t trade this blessing for anything.”
For the past year, we’ve been following Noel and watching his dream of fatherhood become a reality! We’re so happy for this new dad who welcomed his son in November 2023!
“As a single dad, there is no one else responsible than myself and myself alone, but I have a supportive family and close friends to coworkers that have offered to help.”
Finances, like they are for most folks who pursue surrogacy, were a struggle for Noel. He sold his home to help pay for his fatherhood journey. “It was a huge gamble to use that money and invest it like I did in my future, but I’m thankful I took the chance because my dream of becoming a father came true.”
“I would encourage anyone seeking out to build their family to take the chance on yourself if you can make it happen. It’s not easy but the payoff is worth it all at the end and your dream of your future family can come true. Also do not underestimate the power of manifestation, my journey started with a wish 10 years ago when I knew I wanted to be a dad, and it took almost the past 5 years to make happen.”
Follow this dad: @asinglegaydisneydad

Austin and Christopher
Meet the modern-day Brady Bunch! Dads Austin and Christopher have eight kids between them from previous straight relationships. “We are truly blessed by all we have.”
Austin, a physician, and Christopher, a regional director of operations, both married their ex-wives very young. During their marriage, Austin had three kids, and Christopher had five
“We both come from somewhat conservative religious backgrounds – me a southern Baptist preacher’s kid and him an ex-Mormon,” said Austin. “After our marriages did not work out, we did a lot of soul searching and determining what was important in a partner, and both of us came to the conclusion that the sex of the partner was not actually something that mattered.”
So after their marriages ended, they each dated both men and women as both Austin and Christopher identify as bisexual.
“When we met neither of us were really looking for a relationship but an amazing one flourished and our families became blended in a beautiful way. Now we have the kids at the same time about half the time and we have grown into a bigger, happier family that neither of us knew was possible.”
Sadly, they have encountered some bigotry and obstacles as an LGBTQ+ family. “But we take them as life lessons and ways to teach our kids to be kind, loving and accepting of others. We are beyond fortunate that we have also experienced an immense amount of love and support from friends, family, and strangers on the streets.”
Their favorite part of fatherhood? “Getting to love and know each of our kids individually and watch them grow from tiny humans into independent humans with their own personalities and interests.”
Follow the dads here: @gaybradybunch @doc.plum @crbrown44

Chris and Kevin
Chris and Kevin met online in early 2021 during the pandemic while they were quarantining. They were married in November 2022.
Even in the early days of their relationship, they made it clear to one another that they both had a strong desire to be dads. “While we were dating it was the conversations of what it would look like. Once we were engaged then we started the planning and mapping out different paths. After we got married then we went all the way with the foster to adopt path.”
While they considered different paths to fatherhood, they kept coming back to fostering. “We had fears of surrogacy not being successful and wanted to avoid the emotional and financial hardship that it could have caused.”
On April 9, 2023, Chris and Kevin welcomed two young boys into their home and into their hearts. And on November 9 of the same year, their sons’ adoptions were finalized.
“The finalization happened a lot faster than everyone expected, but they’ve adjusted really well for a 4- and 2-year-old,” said Chris.
They worked with @chlssadoption in Minnesota for their adoption from foster care journey. “Our social worker was our rock and support system the entire way through.”
“Foster care takes a combination of love and mental fortitude. The core reason must be out of love, due to the inherent challenges that could come with it; you must be strong enough to know that it’s worth it, even in the hard times.”
Congratulations to this forever family of four! Follow the dads here: @ccthewis22 and @kevinT1220

“I’ve always wanted to be a father. I have so much love to give so I became a foster parent.”
Aaron, 31, lives in Tampa, Florida and loves taking road trips, going roller skating, as well as exploring adventure parks with his son.
“After getting my first foster son I knew almost immediately that I never wanted a life without him, and so I made the decision to adopt!”
Aaron will admit that before they met, he did have a “OMG what did I just do?!” moment. But that quickly disappeared when his son walked through his door: “It felt like he was home.”
“If you know in your heart of hearts that you’re meant to be a dad/ parent, there are so many ways you can make that happen and so many children out there waiting for that love you’re wanting to give. Blood doesn’t always mean family.”
Aaron also had some lovely words to say about GWK: “This page has been so encouraging and empowering and is one of the things that helped me see myself as a dad before I was one. So thank you!” We so appreciate this, Aaron!! Your kind words mean a lot!
Follow Aaron’s fatherhood adventures here: @mr.floss0522

Jamayne and Chris
“Chris and I always knew that we wanted that fairy-tale… When we first got together, we would pillow talk constantly about one day owning a home, building a family, and living our lives together happy.”
Jamayne and Chris, who live in Atascocita, Texas, unexpectedly met the summer of 2014 with an “unstoppable love flaring strong!” Today, they are the proud dads of three kids through adoption, ages 5, 4 and 10 months. “We located a local LGBTQ+ friendly adoption agency and here we are, three kiddos later. We have had the pleasure of adopting all our daughters at birth.”
“When we first started the process of adoption with our eldest daughter, mentally it was a lot. We worried that an agency might pocket our hard-earned funds and sit our adoption file on the floor. At that time, I honestly had never seen two Black gay men successfully adopt and the idea of that scared me. My husband was a key player in keeping my mind from overthinking things that we could not control.”
The dads worked with @caringadoptions in Houston, Texas, and despite their reservations about the adoption process, they had a wonderful experience with their agency and cannot recommend them enough to other gay parents-to-be.
Their advice to others? “Don’t give up! If one door closes, try another! If another door closes, find another and keep trying! There are tons of LGBTQ+ agencies that have our backs as a community!
“We literally wouldn’t trade this feeling for anything in the world & consider ourselves blessed beyond measures!”
Follow the dads here: @mayne.latrey