The Frantic Phone Call That Changed our Lives
Have you ever received a call late at night? It’s like that moment in Moonstruck when Cher and her father
Have you ever received a call late at night? It’s like that moment in Moonstruck when Cher and her father
I remember it like it was yesterday. We were at a birthday party at one of those trendy, boutique-y group
Photo Credit: David Newkirk Photography Wow, what an exciting couple of weeks for the LGBT community, right? First, President Obama
I’m sure that when we take the final numbers at the end of 2015, the balance of happy experiences will
If there was ever a time when I could assure you that we had dotted every i and crossed every
The other day at work a colleague of mine said, “Jeez, Dave, your kid’s super cute and all but don’t
It took her until January to tell us, either because she didn’t know, or because she wasn’t telling. As I
How Two Dads Almost Fell Into The L.A. Parent Trap
The best stories are always trilogies, aren’t they?  Don’t worry, this third and final piece won’t leave you as emotionally