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How One Gay Dad Got His ‘Happily Ever After’

Adam was married to a woman for nearly a decade, and became a dad to twin boys, Patrick and Harry, along the way — who just turned 8 years old. Later this year, at age 40, Adam will be getting married again. However, this time, it’ll be as an authentic gay man and father.


It has taken Adam a lot to get to the point where he can be excited about his engagement to Dan.

“I came out a few years ago, all at once, without planning to do so and without having any idea of how the future might materialize,” Adam said. “I’d like to say I was brave or I was strong or I was ready to be honest, but the truth is I wasn’t any of those things. My mind and my body reached the point where I could no longer contain the truth. It just, quite literally, came out. I told my wife, my entire family, my friends, my coworkers — really everyone — in the course of a couple of days.”

While many people in Adam’s life were supportive of his news, not everyone was there for him. He said the feelings that followed definitely included relief, but also tremendous uncertainty.

When he first came out, Adam had no idea what the future had in store for him. Now, he said he sees it as “a dream that I didn’t even know how to dream.”


“I met Dan in 2019 on a blind Hinge date and somehow, without even trying, an entire lifetime of fear was replaced with hope,” Adam said of his fiancé. “Dan pulled off a totally surprise proposal in October and we are getting married on April 30, 2022. I’ll get a husband who I love and respect tremendously, and my sons get another father who loves them just as much as I do.”

Adam said he spent the bulk of his adult life “hiding from the unknown,” but nowadays he feels like he has a lot more answers.

He said without a doubt, he knows that when his boys are grown up, they will be better men because all those years ago their father refused to hide who he was anymore.


“I also know Dan will continue to enrich their lives as a dad in ways that I alone could not have done,” Adam said. “I know honesty didn’t come easy for me, but once it did, the life I was meant to live came too. I don’t spend too much time thinking about the past, but when I do I’m grateful for the road that led me here. Patrick and Harry, and now Dan, will always be the greatest things that ever happened to me. And without my past, the three of them wouldn’t be my present and future.”

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