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Three Gay Dads Open Up About Life As Single Parents

Whether they’re figuring out how to fit in self-care, how to date, or simply how to be the best dad they can be, being a single parent can be both incredibly hard and incredibly rewarding. 

Whatever single dads are juggling, not being partnered often means you do double-duty when it comes to taking care of the kids. And we all know the old adage; ‘Put your own mask on before trying to help others.’ So how do single dads take time to also care for themselves?

Dr. Chris Harris, who lives in Boston, Massachusetts, is a physician for a pharmaceutical firm. He’s a single father to 19-year-old Maria, who joined his family through adoption.


Chris said he is open to dating, but he’s not seeing anyone at the moment. In fact, he keeps plenty busy all by himself.  He loves to ski in his spare time, and he works with a snow sports non-profit. He also focuses on LGBTQ+ work within his professional organization.

Chris is also a self-declared expert guacamole maker, who recently finished binge-watching Schitt’s Creek.


Chris said his closest friends would describe him as “brilliant, caring, and passionate.” His ideal vacation is sitting on the beach or by the pool with a stack of New Yorkers and a few cold libations. Follow him on Instagram here.

Brandon Sieverts is a single dad of two in St. George, Utah. He’s open to dating, but is not seeing anyone right now. Brandon works in property development and real estate, and loves to do a bit of home remodeling in his free time. “I’ve taught myself how to do so many things,” he said.

Brandon also loves to be outdoors, especially on the lake. In fact, he said his ideal vacation, with or without his kids, would be anywhere with a beach and beautiful water.


His boys, 15-year-old James and 14-year-old Dennis, joined his family through foster-to-adopt. Brandon said caring for them and getting them to school is what gets him out of bed in the morning. His best friends would probably describe him in three words; adventurous, kind, and caring. Follow him on Instagram here.

Michael Wilke is a Director of Marketing in New York, N.Y., who is an expert on LGBTQ references in advertising. He’s also a single dad to 7-year-old Alexander, who he adopted through the foster care system. 


Michael said his best friends would describe him as intelligent, funny, and creative. He’s open to dating, but is not currently dating anyone. He stays motivated by “getting things done,” seeing friends and family, and taking care of his son. 


In his leisure time Michael enjoys relaxing on the couch with his phone or watching TV, and he just finished watching Halston, which he said was great! He also said it’s important for him to do things he loves like seeing friends, going to movies, art galleries, the theater, and traveling. Find him on Facebook here.

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